jueves, octubre 03, 2024

Ganadores de los Premios SABRE LATAM 2020, un reconocimiento a los mejores de las (RP)

El pasado 9 de septiembre se llevó a cabo la ceremonia virtual de los Premios SABRE LATAM 2020; que distingue las mejores campañas de Relaciones Públicas de la región. La premiación se dio en el marco del evento “Radical 2020”, el Congreso de expertos en Reputación y Relaciones Públicas, convocado por PRORP.

Premios SABRE LATAM 2020

Las compañías más galardonadas fueron Sherlock Communications y JeffreyGroup. La primera, es una agencia de RP y marketing digital con sede principal en São Paulo, Brasil; y obtuvo siete premios SABRE Diamante y un codiciado SABRE Global, gracias al trabajo realizado para sus clientes.

JeffreyGroup, una compañía de marketing y comunicación ubicada en Miami, USA; y con sede en México, Argentina y Brasil, también ganó siete SABRE Awards diamante y oro.

Estas fueron las categorías y las organizaciones y campañas premiadas:

Best Campaign in Latin America: #UnblockTheLove – Doritos (PepsiCo)

Company of the Year: Proving the value of Distance Learning in Latin America — Instructure with Sherlock Communications

Premios SABRE LATAM 2020

CEO of the Year: Samantha Ricciardi, BlackRock Mexico – CEO of the Year — BlackRock with JeffreyGroup

The SABRE Award for Superior Achievement in Brand-Building: #UnblockTheLove — Doritos with JeffreyGroup

The SABRE Award for Superior Achievement in Reputation Management: Stay Well – Fique Bem — Bayer with JeffreyGroup

Premios regionales


Premios SABRE LATAM 2020

Let´s March for Those Who Can’t March Today — Reinserta with Zimat Consultores


First Manual of Good Practices for the Dominican Pharmaceutical Industry — Association of Pharmaceutical Representatives, Agents and Producers, Inc. (ARAPF) with LLYC

Premios SABRE LATAM 2020

América Central

Sangre TIGO — Millicom International Cellular SA with Square Root Marketing and The Lab Ideas


The Power of Imagery in Latin America — Getty Images with Sherlock Communications


  • NBA House 2019: Media & Fan Experience — NBA with MPC Rio Comunicação
  • South America (Excluding Argentina and Brazil)


  • Apúestale a Higuita — WPlay.co with Another Company


Suéltate El Pelo — Pantene – P&G with MMK+ (Ketchum Brazil) and Grey New York, Devries New York, and Marlon Buenos Aires

Áreas prácticas

Business-To-Business Marketing

  • Bringing Jobs to Brazil — Indeed.com with Sherlock Communications Cause-Related Marketing
  • Yo me quedo en mi Negocio — Credibanco with BCW Colombia Corporate Image
  • Nossa Cultura É A Transformação— Dell technologies with Ideal H+K Strategies Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Hagamos Esto Juntos — Coca-Cola México with BCW Crisis/Issues Management
  • Zoom: Connecting People During the Covid-19 Pandemic — Zoom Video Communications with VIANEWS

Digital Campaign

  • #SWEXICO — IKEA Mexico with Weber Shandwick // MRM McCann Employee Communications
  • Delivering excellence in the midst of a global pandemic — Novartis with Weber Shandwick

Financial/Capital Markets Communications

  • A Better Financial Future for Mexicans — BlackRock with JeffreyGroup Influencer Marketing
  • Rock in Rio with Ford — Ford Peru with BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe) Integrated Marketing
  • Proving the value of Distance Learning in Latin America — Instructure with Sherlock Communications

Marketing to Consumer (New Product)

  • Heroes of the Community — banQi with Sherlock Communications
  • Marketing to Consumers (Existing Product)
  • Smart Lighting Brazil — Signify with Sherlock Communications

Media Relations

  • An Invitation to Approach — Mastercard with JeffreyGroup Public Affairs/Government Relations
  • The Pact that Got Mexico Talking About the 2030 Agenda— UN Global Compact Mexico with Weber Shandwick Mexico

Public Education

The Tasty SPF (Solar Protection Food) — Liga Contra El Cáncer Perú with Orange 360 / Olístico

Social Media Campaign

  • NBA Mexico City Games 2019 — NBA with Another Company Special Event/Sponsorship
  • Mobil Experience — ExxonMobil with Weber Shandwick


Associations: #EnergiaParaSuperar — IBP – Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis with FSB

Consumer Products/Services :SEMPRE LIVRE®, Sempre Juntas — Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health – SEMPRE LIVRE® (STAY FREE®) Brand with FleishmanHillard Brasil

Fashion & Beauty: Suéltate El Pelo — Pantene – P&G with MMK+ (Ketchum Brazil), Grey New York, Devries New York, and Marlon Buenos Aires

Financial & Professional Services: “Connecting in an Infoxicated era” — BCW Colombia with BCW Colombia

Food & Beverage: #UnblockTheLove — Doritos with JeffreyGroup

Healthcare: #YourSurgeonShouldBePlastic: Patients in danger, lawless cosmetic surgeries — Chilean Society Of Plastic Surgeons with MGC

Industrial/Manufacturing: #AVIDAEMNOSSASMÃOS — DSM Produtos Nutricionais Brasil S.A. with Ideal H+K Strategies

Mining/Extractive Industries: Scientific Vocations — Pan American Energy with

Media, Arts & Entertainment: The Power of Recommendation — Taboola with Sherlock Communications

Not for Profit: Not a Single Baby with Chagas — Fundación Mundo Sano with

Public Sector/Government: Renda Básica de Cidadania de Maricá, benchmarking internacional — Prefeitura de Maricá – RJ with FSB

Technology: Más Mujeres — LinkedIn with Edelman Mexico

Travel & Leisure: Radar Turístico, a market intelligence tool for the Mexican travel industry — Travel Trade Industry in Mexico with PR Central, Oghen Consulting and STA Consultores

También le puede interesar: “Este puede ser el premio más importante de la publicidad colombiana en su historia”: Francisco Samper


Women to Watch 2024

El reconocimiento a las mujeres líderes del sector.